Monday, July 5, 2010

Dedication to Koppee

This noon you passed on
I am responsible, I killed you
A little before your time but
Was it the better part of kindness?

Who has the right to take a life?
Each suffers as heir of our acts
In cutting short your time on earth
Would this justify what I did?

The ultimate truth is ever sublime
Each event carries from somewhere
Yours and mine are intertwined now
May you reborn now to a pure abode!

First you lost your sight
Then your hearing too
The maggots made your ears their home
Your suffering, oh! how you endured...

The lice and ticks
The maggots and bugs
They bother you no more
You have paid them your debts

Now you rest
Keep in mind the Lord of Compassion
Do you hear his mantra?
Go to Him without fear! Now!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

I honour this Gutsy Lady

I honour you
For today you have made one big leap
You have gone where few can do
You have walked
And what a walk this is!
The mark of courage
Is the fear that stalks the heart.

The earth rumbled
Without warning
Thousands perished, lives snatched away
Thousands more left behind, lives crushed
In swift response, you told the world
Asked their help
And the world responded!

As this is penned,
You are over Chengdu
And then on to Yushu
Your bag carries more than clothes and goodies
May protectors guard over you!
And bless the work you are doing
And all that you are about to do!