Thursday, July 31, 2008

Shhh..The Neighbours Will Talk..

How often have we heard ourselves say that?

We may not say it out loud but often have that inner conversation with ourselves when we are thinking of doing something that is out of the social norm.

Well, it is good to have rules when it comes to extreme acts which could land us in jail like stealing or cheating or killing someone. These are acts which infringe onto others like taking away what does not belong to us or infringing on the physical well being and safety of others.

But what about those that just doen’t hurt anyone? Like sporting some weird color hairdo or wearing outlandish makeup.

Weird or outlandish is a matter of perception. From the time we were born, knowingly or unknowing we were layered with values-social and cultural values. Along the way as we grow, we developed our own.

Part of our behaviour is of course purely animal. For we are all primates, are we not? Our mannerisms and bodily language often are indicators to our animal side. The way we cross our hands or stand all arise from basic animal instincts carried over from the distant path of evolution.

All of these provide a clue to how we can develop our mind. If only we can peel away those layers, maybe we can find the real us.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Neck Pain Remedy

Being a sufferer of neck pain, I have tried many forms of treatment from massage, painkillers and other drugs, natural and un-natural, acupuncture, exercises, traction and others.

Lately I have been using a goose feather pillow and I find that they give the neck a rest allowing a more restful sleep compared with other pillows I have tried.

This one is sold at Jusco as "Sleeping Partner".

I would suggest that even if you have no neck or back problems now, do use a pillow with good neck support. I believe this allows the neck to rest and muscles and what-nots a chance to recuperate preventing damage and eventual neck pain.

Neck pain is no fun and can be debilitating. Take care-prevention is better than cure.

Beautiful Beads

While squeezing through the narrow lanes along the River Ganga, I saw this.

Aren't they pretty?

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Blessed are we who have Friends

Friends are one of the few the real Treasures in life. I read this here.

Ever wondered how true it is that true friends can be counted on the fingers of one's hands?

I remember reading from somewhere when I was young that a true friend is one you would want to bring with you into the deep forest. This is one test as a true friend will not desert you and would give his or her life for you in danger. They will not run away when you need them most - a friend in need is a friend indeed!

Through our journeys in life and on the road, we do get to experience the different kinds and levels of friendships. From our school days, we learn how mercurial friends can be. The push and pull of simply getting on with life affects our moods people around us perceive this.

Fellow travellers on vacations and holidays too show their true colors. When we are taken away from our familiar environments, we react as all animals do and the natural instincts start to show. Sometimes it amy make us think that if it is not with suitable companions, it is better to travel alone especially if the travel is going to be a rough one.Backpacking through unfamiliar regions for example.

I do believe that to fulfill our potential as human, the adage "reliable as the salt of the Earth" is something to live by.

Friday, July 18, 2008

India Crossing

This remains one of my favorite images.
It was taken on the road from Dehra Dun to Dharamsala, not the main highway route but that off track route further to the west.
This crossing is actually over a dried up river bed for the bridge had collapsed. The lorry people are washing their trucks on the river. Basic as their livelihood may be but a lot of pride is present. Just as the cow is sacred because they are partners in eking out the land, so are trucks as they are part of the sustenance of life.
As the sun sets, it tells of the sweetness of rest and a meal at the end of a long hard day. It offers peace and recovery for the toil of the next day.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Pilgrimage (ii)

In 199x, my buddys and I joined other buddies on a 'pilgrimage' to the sacred places and monasteries in NE Thailand. There we had the happy karma to meet the Venerable Maha Boowa and pay homage to the relics of Ajahn Mun Bhuridatta and Ajahn Tate.

A long journey with many nights on our bus and one dinner taken way past midnight. But it was all worth it with many inspirations from meeting so many holy monks who "just like you, I am also walking along the path".

It was IJ's comment on my 'pilgrimage on foot' that reminded me of the Wat Thamkrabok near Bangkok. This monastery is famous for their method of treating drug addicts. The monks there are not allowed modern transport and wherever they have to go, they have to go on foot.

The senior monk, an American jokingly said that he is ok to accept and invitation to Penang but we will have to be patient as it will take him a fair bit of time to walk there.

On a humorous note, I remembered rushing there before the noon time Dana (food offering). In we all went to the main hall, awkwardly may I add, on our knees. Well, the monks already had their plates full and the volumes were already huge. With our 'generous' offerings I definitely believe they are all going to have the unenviable hard time of stuffing them all in. You see, monks are not supposed to waste and are obliged to finish what is in front of them. One of our buddies even offered chewing gum....:-) I wouldn't want to be in their "shoes".

Saturday, July 12, 2008


I have often wanted to go on a great voyage. Maybe it is the sense of adventure of every young kampong boy or maybe it was jelled by all the wonderful stories of adventures that I read or maybe it was a mixture of both.

The real adventures were the campings and hitch-hikings with the furthest being the trails around Auckland.

Although age (and aging) has dulled this passion somewhat, I am beginning to fantasize about another type of voyage. This time it is going to be a great pilgrimage.

The only trouble with that is that I have not identified which kind of pilgrimage or what type or the form it is going to take. One of the ideas I was toying about is a pilgrimage on foot (for what is a pilgrimage if it is by easy motorized transport?). Well, I have to recognize the practicalities and realities of a real foot pilgrimage. In that, maybe it may be making use of a minimum of motorized transport but it will still be a Add Imagetest of personal vigour and devotion.

There were many journeys made which in most ways may be called pilgrimages. This would include visits to the graves of holy saints in Java, the Three Stupas in Nepal, the Holy Buddha places in India and Tibet but other than the first journeys to Bodhgaya, NamoBuddha and Boudha, the others somehow misses a certain flavour.

Most pilgrimages take on a religious flavor but it need not necessarily be so.

I would like combine this pilgrimage with an inner journey as well. How it is going to be again remains a fantasy but deep within I send out energies that one day within this lifetime it shall come to pass.

This write does look like a rambling and ranting of which it is but perchance, an idea can form and concrete action taken. Any suggestions…?