Monday, October 12, 2009

Passing on of a Friend

It is with sadness that I write this.

A week or two ago, I learnt that a friend Mr. Wong has passed on. He must be near 70 and I've not seen him for quite some time, like nears. Our lives crossed. He was a good man.

We found this out only because a friend whom he gave some Sivali relics to called his home to tel him the relics he gave has multipled. ( Relics do multiply and this is not the first time it had done so. Such multiplication is seen as a manifestation of the Buddha presence)

Death so often forgets us or rather we forget our own immortality and the brevity of our presence here. We touch the lives of others but more our lives are touched by those who share this same sphere with us.

Life is about finding happiness. May all find that.

I have with me a rare talisman of Luang Por Thot which he gave to me and that will always remind me of him.

To you, Mr. Wong may you move on and swiftly find the truth you seek.

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