Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tibetan Marriage Made in India

Startling but happy news came in today. A Tibetan friend of some years but of only so many days is getting married.

A photo perhaps of this happy creature but then I thought it would be an invasion of her privacy to have her face plastered across space.

Her marriage brings to my mind many thoughts, the first perhaps, is the plight of the Tibetans in India. They are, to me at least, a rather displaced people in a foreign land. They may speak the language and wear western clothes but for many, their soul are still Tibetan. Within their hearts are so many aspirations, ambitions, plans and hope.

Many years ago, I had experienced something similar. Shall I subject the next generation to a place alien to them because I felt that my land of birth leaves me disillusioned? Half of my grandparents came from China and their grandson migrates to another place and later their great grandchildren migrates somewhere else? Sanvega!

Human kind and perhaps all creatures too seek comfort. Oppression births the will to live. Uncertainty anxiety. Dissatisfaction the search for greener grass and a bigger moon.

May my friend finds happiness and appreciation in her new life!

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