Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pilgrimage - Run Touch Run?

Some time ago I talked about doing a great pilgrimage. Coming back to thinking about this again, I dwelled upon memories of some of my forays and observations.

I notice that the psychology of those who go on group excursions tend to rush themselves so that they get to visit or touch those places on the itinerary. The more the better. They will travel either by bus or some form of modern transport to the desired destination, spending hours upon hours to get there.

Once there, they mill round to absorb and revelate their good fortune to be there. Then within a few hours they then herd off again, basking.

It reminds me of the tag and run races that we played in school. All racers run as fast as we can to one end of the field, touch a stone or a tree or some other object and back we run again to the starting point. Of course whoever finishes first, wins.

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