Monday, August 31, 2009

Wing Chun Kung Fu

Recently there was a hong kong movie featuring Donny Yen and Simon Yam. The title of the movie is “Ip Man”.

This movie is interesting to me for many reasons.

The first is that it is about the Chinese kung fu or self defense art of Wing Chun. Wing Chun is an effective, efficient and scientific self defense method. I know this as I have trained in it for many years. It is quite thrilling to see a movie about Ip Man or Yip Man the founding father of contemporary wing chun. Although there are many scenes in the movie which is not wing chun but nonetheless, wing chun is the theme. With the release of this wing chun movie, I hope that wing chun will become more popular or at the very least, many will know that it exists.

Secondly, not many kung fu movies are made these days. Many of us will remember the heyday of kung fu movies of the 70s and 80s. Those were the days of shaolin kung fu and no less Bruce Lee. Pardon me but somehow it is unavoidable to mention Bruce Lee whenever kung fu is mentioned. Looks like this occasion is no exception. Good kung fu movies are rare and this one has Simon Yam and Donny Yen, veteran stars in their own right. I will not say much about the moves for kung fu is not about flowery or fancy moves but this one is at least nice to watch. My sifu told me that there has been an increased interest and enquiry for training in his wing chun center which he attributes to the release of this movie. That is good.

From my experience with the martial arts students, many have taken the wrong approach. Many think it is a macho thing. Chauvinism and egoism play big roles and this reflects ignorance of the purpose of training (at least for contemporary society). They do not understand the essence of kung fu or martial art.

The true student of kung fu eventually develops humility. A student who goes into the punching bag with his or her full ego has missed the point. Of course, the skill grows and with that confidence and respect for life too. Well…I know a good wing chun teacher in Kuala Lumpur so if anyone is interested, drop me an email

Sunday, August 30, 2009

1Malaysia Fund Investment

Malaysia has launched the 1Malaysia fund. Can anyone advise whether this is a good investment?

heart attack and aspirin

I heard that it si good practice to keep two aspirins by one's bedside. Should it happen that one should wake up with chest pains and suspect that a heart attack is imminent, then swallow these two aspirins, call the neighbour, say heart attack and request for emergency help. Say you have taken two aspirins. And not to lie down.

This is important information but is there anyone out there who can verify this as the right thing to do in a suspected heart attack situation...taking aspirins i mean.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Surgeons, Butchers and Karma

Ever wondered what butchers and surgeons have in common?

I read this from a book and am in no position to judge but it is good food for thought. Both butchers and surgeons are said to be meat cleavers and in some way love to feel the cutting of flesh. It quotes that some surgeons get a thrill when they cut. It further goes to say that this is a carry over of karma from a past existence. Hmmm..

Real or not, it makes one wonder about all our actions and the karma that is in constant play. All the ever present human emotions that surface with every action we make. Are they colored by lust, anger or greed? The butcher cuts for a livelihood so does the surgeon. How thick can we draw the line between what is a means of survival and what is an exorbitant fee?

Saturday, August 15, 2009

light of the lamps

The lamps may be different but the light is the same...Humphrey *** from Gubra

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Perception : Judge not that I not be judged

I had two encounters with perception, rather how I can jump to a conclusion which is totally wrong.

The first incident happened in Lumbini during the Drikung 2003 monkey year teachings. We were in the common mess ground with many local kids who came to revel in the atmosphere of the teachings as well as for some free food. I saw a fellow Malaysian lady travel companion fished into her handbag, took out a couple of coffeemate sticks and offered them to some of the local kids. She proceeded to ask the kids to rip open the packet and eat them.

I was a little shocked as the coffemate came with the airline food handout. Shocked because I could not imagine anyone eating coffeemate by pouring them into their mouths, let alone anyone thinking of offering coffeemate to kids. I believed them to be unhealthy. In fact, I was so taken aback that I remarked that it was not a good thing to do.

Know what? Later I saw this same lady opening another stick of coffemate and eating it herself. This gave me a thorough lesson in perception and unfairly judging others. If I had thought that this lady was not being very kind in giving away coffemate to kids, I was wrong in judging her. She had in all kindness offered the kids, because to her, coffemate is a treat.

Another incident happened recently. I was in Yushu, a remote town in Qinghai, where I saw four monks sitting in a street corner chanting and drumming along with a hat for offerings in front of them.

I thought this to be unbecoming of monks to ‘beg’ this way. I did not make an offering but strangely gave some to another group a short distance away.

I was left somewhat ashamed when I later learnt that recently many monks who were studying or abiding in monasteries were turned out when the Chinese government changed the rules limiting the number of monks in monasteries. Most refused to disrobe as they preferred to be monks. Some had relatives to support them while others had to look for other ways of continuing their monkhood. Thus the seeking of alms in the fashion I saw.

Once again I was too quick to pass judgment based on narrow views and ignorance.

Friday, August 7, 2009

fengshui healing, my other blog

Pretty blue flowers.....I have been blogging for quite a while on fengshui on my other blog. Visit for another piece.