Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Surgeons, Butchers and Karma

Ever wondered what butchers and surgeons have in common?

I read this from a book and am in no position to judge but it is good food for thought. Both butchers and surgeons are said to be meat cleavers and in some way love to feel the cutting of flesh. It quotes that some surgeons get a thrill when they cut. It further goes to say that this is a carry over of karma from a past existence. Hmmm..

Real or not, it makes one wonder about all our actions and the karma that is in constant play. All the ever present human emotions that surface with every action we make. Are they colored by lust, anger or greed? The butcher cuts for a livelihood so does the surgeon. How thick can we draw the line between what is a means of survival and what is an exorbitant fee?

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