Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A Dream of lost babies and flip flop-having only one face

I had a dream two nights ago which on reflection gave me some interesting insight and lessons.

It was actually two dreams in one. In the first part of this dream, I was in a hospital nursery. There was this couple with a baby who had just learnt to crawl. On the blue tiled floor was scattered lost of colorful toys. These toys were like Lego strewn all over. Somehow the baby was dropped onto the floor and she vanished. Well sort of vanish. We knew she was somewhere among the toys but just could not be located. I tried to help and in doing it made a show like I was concerned and threw sidelong glances at other people to check whether others knew I was ‘concerned’.

The next stage of the dream had me leaving this nursery. I boarded what appeared to be a huge ship but the difference was that this ship could fly. So there we go soaring over the dark sea and its huge waves. Even though soaring, this ship somehow ploughed the waters and the wake of the water was awesome.

I chanced to look at my feet and I had flip flops on. And one, the one on the right foot was coming loose. Even though I tried to hold on to it by squeezing it, there was a loss of control and that flip flop fell into the sea below. Within my thoughts the flip flop was not so important as I had another good pair of hiking boots. It was quite a high fall and I could see it fall and disappear.

What this dream taught me was that to act with greater sincerity. In my dealings and thoughts I should not act because I wanted people to think I was of a certain nature. That nature of mine should be natural and should come from the heart not for some hope of recognition or reputation. I should learn to develop myself such that every act and thought as well as the words that leave my lips are naturally free of falsity. I should have only one face which will be the same irrespective of what others see me as, what I should show to others and what I would like myself to be. That is the meaning of the first part of the dream.

The second part of the dream tells me that I should not hold onto little things in life. I should not let petty issues trouble me in that there are so many more precious things in life. There are bigger issues and goals. I should learn to let go.

1 comment:

InnerJourney said...

Totally agree with you on first part of the dream. Too many falsities about people that you wonder if you know the person you once knew.

Second part of the dream I would relate it more to the directions in your life. It talks about a flying ship, flip flops and good hiking shoes. It talks about journey. It's niggling you to take that BIG journey in life. Got the hint????