Monday, April 28, 2008

Soft shell crabs, anyone?

I have heard of many people who enjoy eating the soft shell crab and treat this as a delicacy.

Well, I learnt over lunch today the cruel way in which these crabs are bred (more like prepared) for consumption. After reading this and knowing how much cruelty is involved I hope that you will not order them anymore and tell your friends about this. This is how it goes...

Young crabs which have been caught or reared have all their limbs and claws cut off. They are then thrown back into the breeding pond. These crabs apparently undergo and suffer much pain as they wriggle and struggle. Apparently it is the pain that triggers their bodies to shed their hard outer shell. Once this process is over they are harvested.

To all who rear soft shell crabs and those who delight as they eat them, please show conpassion...Om Mani Peme Hung...

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