Saturday, July 19, 2008

Blessed are we who have Friends

Friends are one of the few the real Treasures in life. I read this here.

Ever wondered how true it is that true friends can be counted on the fingers of one's hands?

I remember reading from somewhere when I was young that a true friend is one you would want to bring with you into the deep forest. This is one test as a true friend will not desert you and would give his or her life for you in danger. They will not run away when you need them most - a friend in need is a friend indeed!

Through our journeys in life and on the road, we do get to experience the different kinds and levels of friendships. From our school days, we learn how mercurial friends can be. The push and pull of simply getting on with life affects our moods people around us perceive this.

Fellow travellers on vacations and holidays too show their true colors. When we are taken away from our familiar environments, we react as all animals do and the natural instincts start to show. Sometimes it amy make us think that if it is not with suitable companions, it is better to travel alone especially if the travel is going to be a rough one.Backpacking through unfamiliar regions for example.

I do believe that to fulfill our potential as human, the adage "reliable as the salt of the Earth" is something to live by.

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