Thursday, July 31, 2008

Shhh..The Neighbours Will Talk..

How often have we heard ourselves say that?

We may not say it out loud but often have that inner conversation with ourselves when we are thinking of doing something that is out of the social norm.

Well, it is good to have rules when it comes to extreme acts which could land us in jail like stealing or cheating or killing someone. These are acts which infringe onto others like taking away what does not belong to us or infringing on the physical well being and safety of others.

But what about those that just doen’t hurt anyone? Like sporting some weird color hairdo or wearing outlandish makeup.

Weird or outlandish is a matter of perception. From the time we were born, knowingly or unknowing we were layered with values-social and cultural values. Along the way as we grow, we developed our own.

Part of our behaviour is of course purely animal. For we are all primates, are we not? Our mannerisms and bodily language often are indicators to our animal side. The way we cross our hands or stand all arise from basic animal instincts carried over from the distant path of evolution.

All of these provide a clue to how we can develop our mind. If only we can peel away those layers, maybe we can find the real us.

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